The National Congress of Stomatherapy, APECE 2023, took place from the 24th to 25th February in Peniche. The programme held recognized national speakers detailing very actual themes and representative of the best practices in Ostomy. APECE had the support of SPCare for this event once again. SPCare Team ...

06 July 2022 In 2021, the Pharmaceutical Service of IPO Lisboa prepared 41,500 chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments, the highest number in the last 12 years. The majority of patients treated at the Instituto Portuguese de Oncology de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPO Lisboa) know, of course, the Pharmaceutical...

“Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: The Specialist Answers" the questions posed by patients By: Gonçalo Martins Wednesday, June 23, 2021 11:56 AM To clarify the main doubts posed by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm), a series of videos and infographics were launched that aim to enlighten the whole community. Based...