09 Jun NEWS

“Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: The Specialist Answers” the questions posed by patients
By: Gonçalo Martins
Wednesday, June 02, 2021 2:25 PM
To clarify the main doubts posed by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm), a series of videos and infographics were launched that aim to enlighten the whole community. Based on nine most common questions on the subject, nine experts respond, on video, in a simple, direct and clear way.
Until July 7, the nine videos will be available on the news portal Jornal Médico. The fourth video features Ana Faria, from The Beatriz Ângelo Hospital, answering the question “What diet should I follow?”.
This is an initiative promoted by AMGEN, with the support of the Portuguese Cancer Nursing Association (AEOP), of Europacolon Portugal – Support for patients with digestive cancer and GICD – Research Group, Digestive Cancer.