03 Jul Order of Pharmacists are cautious regarding the models of delivery of medicines
in www.ordemfarmaceuticos.pt – 27 June, 2023

The Order of Pharmacists (OF) requested Infarmed’s intervention in the regulation and supervision of drug dispensation and delivery services, throughout digital platforms. The Covid-19 pandemic has boosted the use of new operators and digital platforms with distribution services. However, the delivery of medicines at home and via internet should always be ensured by pharmacies and comply with good distribution practices (GDP’s).
The OF showed reservations about commercial practices allowing remote access to medicines, medical devices, and other health products without compliance with current legislation nor with professional standards that guide the dispensing, the distribution and home-delivery medicines.
Accordingly, the OF questioned Infarmed about the minimum mandatory conditions that guarantee the safety of users and the quality of medicines and health products delivered by new intermediaries, whether at home, in public lockers or through other delivery points.
The legal diplomas that regulate the dispensing and the delivery of medicines to the public (Decree-Law No. 300/2007 and Ordinance No. 1427/2007) have not kept pace with the development of these new models of distribution and delivery of medicines throughout digital platforms. The safety of the user and the quality of the medicines delivered to citizens, cannot be questionable.
OMS estimates that half of the patients do not use their medication correctly, leading to avoidable costs, morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, pharmaceutical intervention in drug dispensation has decreased the occurrence of adverse reactions and other problems related to the use of medicines and prevents inappropriate self-medication with Non-Prescription Medicines and other health products.