“Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: The Specialist Answers" the questions posed by patients By: Gonçalo Martins Wednesday, June 02, 2021 2:25 PM To clarify the main doubts posed by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm), a series of videos and infographics were launched that aim to enlighten the whole community. Based...

“Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: The Specialist Answers” ​​to the questions raised by patients By: Beatriz Freitas-Branco Thursday, 27 May 2021 09:59 To clarify the main doubts raised by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm), a series of videos and infographics was launched that aim to clarify the whole community. Starting...

“Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: The Specialist Answers” to the questions raised by patients By: Beatriz Freitas-Branco tuesday, may 18th 2021 12:14 To clarify the main doubts raised by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm), a series of videos and infographics are launched today that aim to clarify the whole community....

International Nurses' Day is celebrated on the 12th of May. It was created by the International Nurses Council and the chosen date refers to the birthday of Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing. Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence. Daughter...

European Day for the Rights of Patients: Citizen's rights live an opportunity for growth and empowerment By: António Carneiro, coordinator of the Center for Bioethics Studies at SPMI tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:03 As part of the European Day of The Rights of Patients, marked on April 18th, the...

BY BUSINESS PORTUGAL MAGAZINE · NOVEMBER 10, 2020 A stable tear film is essential for good vision. In Dry Eye Syndrome, the tear film loses its normal lubrication capacity, which conditions inflammation of the ocular surface, with low vision, dryness and eye pain. There are two categories...

By: Fernanda Grou, specialized nurse in stomatherapy at the Local Health Unit in Baixo Alentejo Performing a colostomy is a difficult thing! To clarify your doubts and fears, you can count on the collaboration of the stoma nurse, who will support you throughout the adaptation process....